This page is a way for me to highlight the B*U*L*L*S*H*I*T I see in the world. When you visit, please leave a footprint.
Videos are:
Blur - "Song 2"
Sublime - "Santeria"
Cowboy Mouth - "Jenny Says"
The Refreshments - "Banditos"

Friday, November 30, 2007

My Head Hurts Now!

I think that there's this pressure on society from different influencial groups (especially religious groups and law enforcement) to keep certain things hidden. If it's hidden, it's not a problem. If it's not a problem, then everything is great. But that never works. And the result is that instead of making our lives safer, we are less safe. And I think because of this, society places more importance on these things, they become so much more. They become sexual, which really bothers me. Everything has become sexual. Innocence is lost early because we are slapped in the face daily with every form of sickness relating to every part of our life at every point in our life: nothing is Innocent anymore. It bothers me that a closed minded government along with an open minded pop culture clash because of the Internet age, and society is caught in the middle struggling between the 2 radically opposing factions. So what happens is that the government becomes more radical and manic in their stance, while pop culture continues to push the envelope. And all of this is at the expense of society and social values. Throw in religious view points from different competing religious and anti- religious groups, it's a mine field of mis-information, mis-interpretation, and mind control. All of this is so The Elite in power can hold some sense of control over a society that is slowly falling into a pit of self-abuse without even understanding it's all being orchestrated by Our Handlers, so we will give up all semblance of freedom for our own "protection".
We are the Sheep heading to slaughter!

Monday, November 26, 2007

You'll Understand When You Get Older

You'll understand it when you get older, wait till your an adult, etc.........I'm sick of hearing it. It means nothing to me. Most of the time, it's a justification of adults actions or away to minimize a kids activity. I understand it well. Thankfully I don't hear that from my parents because it's an ignorant statement.

I read this article about European women who go to Africa for sex, The New Sex Trade. It's incredible what people do. Especially since HIV is so rampant over there. This is Really Really Really Dangerous behaviour and it doesn't matter how old I am, I won't understand this.

Then I read this article. I don't understand it and never will. It's about a man who went to Asia and spent 90 days molestion children. Its disgusting. He was arrested when he entered into the U.S. for his crimes. Sick.
But for the most part, I don't understand alot of stuff adults do. I don't think I will ever understand why adults seem to think their actions don't influence the people around them, especially children. It's become too easy to condemn other people's behaviour while hiding sick acts that are not really hidden. Is it a sign of adulthood when you become so possessed and obsessed with sex that anything is fair game? And what's more disturbing is that it seems that anyone without some instance of sexual indiscresions is only because of the fact they haven't been caught yet.
Sex is everywhere and it's not just simple sex. It's weird freaky violent sex. It's domination. It's submission. It's sadism. It's animal sex. It's having sex with little kids. It's sex on film. It's sex in airplanes. It's sex with an audience. It's sex with dead people. It's group sex. It's rape fantasies. It's death sex. It's sex with your mom/dad. It's sex with your brother/sister. It's sex with anyone and everyone. It's gotten to the point where there's nothing that's taboo. Nothing is out of the question. If someone dreams up some sick act, there's always someone who will join in.
But in our society, teen sex is a problem. P-L-E-A-S-E. Teens having sex is one of the least offensive things going on in our society. ADULTS, please look at yourselves before you try to blame societies woes on teens. We learn how to act from our adult role models. We are the future adults, kind of like a mirror image. If adults would/could control themselves, kids wouldn't have the first hand knowledge of these things. It's sad that kids learn this sick crap. It's sad that people expect kids to only follow the good in their role models: it's a childish view in my opinion. It's selfish and immature to expect children to ignore their parents and adults bad acts because they are so important in their social development. But that's something I see in alot of society, IMMATURE ADULTS feeding their twisted desires at any cost.
I'm lucky. And I know that I'm always saying how great my parents are, but they are that great. I'm not saying they're perfect, cause only I'm perfect. LOL. But they are the best parents I've ever seen or heard about. They know when they are wrong and they are not afraid to admit it. They always try to do what's right even if it's real hard to do. They are willing to change something about themselves when it's pointed out that there's something they do that's wrong. But I'm sure there's things in their lives that I don't know about but it's hard to believe there's anything sick they're involved in. They always try to be involved with each other, and with me and my sibs. They spend almost all of their free time with us or with eachother. They like being around eachother and being with us. They don't have secret lives away from home because they're always pretty much at home. Believe me when I say they're always around, it's a major pain. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
And I really do mean this: My Parents are my best friends and my role models. Everybody should have them as rolemodels. The world wouldn't be such a sick place then.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Farters of the world unite or ignite

So I ran upon this guy's blog and I started reading it. This particular entry caught my attention. It was probably the cool name "Pool Pee". It was a pretty good read but I don't agree with him completely (what's new, I never agree with anybody). LOL.
I don't know about everybody else but for the most part if I fart in the presence of another person, it's not some form of male bonding. It's not some weird form of straight/gay guy flirting. It's just a matter of I need to fart. Simple. I know that some people see farting as a nasty disgusting thing that should be done in private. That's fine when you have the option of going to a seculed spot but when that option isn't available, I let 'er rip where ever I'm at. And I expect other people to do the same. On the list of horrible, nasty, disgusting, hurtful, painful, obnoxious, and/or irritating things: passing gas is not that bad. There's alot of things that I see, hear, smell, and taste daily; that to me is alot higher on that list. Some of them being: irritating ring tones, loud talkers, people who bath in perfume, people with shit breath, people who pick their noses in public, people who cough and sneeze without covering their mouths, people who don't bathe, people who belch in your face, people who don't use deodorant, people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, etc. See in the run of things, a fart is not half as bad as alot of things. I can handle a bad smell alot better than someone scratching their butt and balls, sneezing, picking their nose, etc while they are preparing my food. I can handle the smell of a fart better than the ideal of shaking someone's hand that didn't wash them the last time they used the bathroom. But that's just me. I'm weird that way.
I know that some people are hyper about eating anything that will give them gas. I remember some friends of my sister who wouldn't eat at our house because of what we normally eat. I'm sure there are guys that are like that too. I know that my Dad and my Mom won't eat certain foods because of different problems that occur (ulcers, and stuff like that). I have somethings I can't eat at times. But if it doesn't actually hurt me in some way, I'm gonna eat the foods I like. If I fart alot, so be it. That's life. I've had times when I could hardly eat anything. There's been times when nothing tasted good because of treatments and stuff. There's been times when I couldn't eat certain things because of my treatments (stuff with high acid especially). So when I can eat, I eat. Having the farts has no part of what I will eat, ever.
To me, it's just a normal body function. NORMAL. I do think there are people who don't want anybody to know they fart or shit, or anyother bodily function. LOL. But it's just part of normal life. I'm not bashful about things like that. I may not talk alot but if I got gas, you will probably know I'm around especially if I can't go somewhere else. If I got to take a crap, I take a crap (I had rather do it in private but when it has to happen, it happens). But I don't care who knows I took a crap. If I got to pee, I pee. I don't care who knows it. It's all part of life. I've peed on the shoulder of the interstate before in a traffic jam. I had to gooooooooooooo. LOL.
But I think there are too many people who are hyper sensitivite to bodily functions. Too many people in too much discomfort. Maybe it's time to just let it all out and breath a little easier. Maybe if people would fart when they need to, pee when they need to, and crap when they need to; there wouldn't be so many people with a stick up their ass.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


There are some completely stupid stuff that happens in this bizarre world: things that are beyond a normal person's understanding. This is one of those things.

This is just stupid ignorant BULLSHIT. There are people being robbed of their life savings. There are people being beaten for no reason. There are kids being abducted. There are kids being molested and killed. There are people suffering violent deaths all over the country and other things that are truely horrible, but our judicial system and law enforcement agencies feel the need to police our bodily functions. Now we have " The Fart Police". I'm completely lost. If farting is a crime, I'll be serving multiple life sentences or maybe even the death penalty. They would probably give me the gas chamber. LOL.

How can this be a matter of public safety?
Why didn't someone in that town said something about this stupidity?
And where is the common sense of our "Public Officials"?
No wonder this world is going to shit!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Drew Bitch Project

This is completely messed up.
I read about the girl who hanged her self because someone she liked online said she wasn't a good friend.
Sure it's a twisted and pretty sick thing that this Drew woman did. She played a teenage boy online, so she could see what this 13 year old girl was saying about her daughter. She and a few other people, cyber stalked this girl. Played mind games with her and really messed her up. All of this was going on with the girl's parents monitering it. This was a horrible mess started by adults who didn't want to act like adults. And it was made worse by parents not wanting to act like parents. It was tragic because the girl was emotionally "troubled" to start with but I think that is something all parents teenagers have to deal with. It's not an uncommon thing in teenagers I don't think (just ask my parents). It's just a fact of life that teens have emotional issues and to throw that out like it's the reason for something is too easy. It was so much more than that.
First the families were neighbors and some what friends. The 13 year old girls were friends at one time. I think when the Meier girl went to another school, their friendship ended. Then ex-friends being what they are, there were things said about each other. Before long, they were not only NOT friends but were enemies. Just typical teenagers, friends one minute, enemies the next. LIFE.........
But then the stupid Drew woman got involved in something she didn't need to be involved in. She created a profile of a teenage boy who just moved into the area and targeted the Meier girl. Then she (as the boy) started chatting with the Meier girl. She wanted to find out what the Meier girl was saying about her daughter. And she wasn't the only person playing this role. I think there were 4 different people including the Drew girl playing this boy. What could have been going on in the heads of those adults to think this was something they should be doing? Beyond stupid!
The second point is that the Meier girl's parents supposedly were monitering the girl's internet usage. Only a little detective work would have shown this as a scam. Supposedly they were worried about her because of her threat to commit suicide. With this situation the way it was, there should have been atleast a token effort to see who this boy was since he wasn't known to them. But sometimes parents are just too busy to do the simple things. But it's easy to blame the end result on the craziness of the world, and ignore the lack of parental supervision and common sense. There was alot of bad parenting going on and way too many bad decisions.
But atleast the community has stepped in. Instead of ignoring it, the community has showned that this is not something that will be ignored. Sure there's gonna be some people that will go overboard because it's an easy thing to blame bad behaviour on an injustice (there are some people that come out of the woodwork in these situations, just to cause trouble). But for the most part, the community has spoken and they don't like what went on.
So is it a good thing that the community is involved when the law can't do anything?
I think so. I think the law in the form that we have, is a tool and nothing more. It's just punishment thru the government. But punishment thru governmental agencies is so impersonal and sketchy. Most of the time, the people in the community has no part in any of it. Everything is portioned out to someone else, so there is a barrier between the problem and the people in the community. So I think this adds to the lack of community policing. People, instead of noticing bad behaviour from neighbors, just ignore it or don't see it at all. Then we get communities where no one knows anybody else and few people stand up to misbehaving neighbors. Communities where everybody has privacy fences (to keep the community from seeing into their world and to keep from having to see what is going on next door), 2 car garages (never have to be involved in the community if all they see of it is from the windows of the car) , 2 working parent households, tv, large homes with too many private spaces, too many "toys" for kids and adults, daycare, single parent households, etc.: all of this adds to the lack of community. You have to actually be involved in the community to be part of the community. And lack of community adds to lack of family because extended family in alot of places is the community. With lack of family comes more crime because no one is saying."That is not allowed here". So yes I think the community standing up and saying to this woman, "we think you are a criminal, even if the law doesn't", "We as a community can show our displeasure with your actions" is a good thing. The law is what it is, but it is nothing compared to a community willing to enforce their own standards/values. It's easy to be an outsider in a community of outsiders. It's not that easy to be an outsider in a close knit community where everybody knows everybody else.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Day to Day Injustice

I DON'T understand this. In a time of more substantial leaders, this would not be thought of as an adult crime because a kid at that age of development doesn't have the mental capacity of an adult. Just because a kid copies adult action doesn't mean he's an adult. In just about every part of our society, children are treated as children. Except in punishment. Then suddenly because of something the kid does, he is labeled adult. Stupidity. But typical.

But at the same time that those boys are being looked at like adults, this man will get a sentence that is nothing resembling murder and will not carry the stigma of "sex offender" or even "murderer" (in his case) with him the rest of his life. And he actually took a life. He'll just be the poor drunk guy with an illness who had a accident. Go figure.

I don't know why things like this happen but I don't think it's as simple as the police or anybody else want to make it. Why is it so important to confront aggitated people when there is no rational need? I think the real question here is if there was so much danger to those officers but no one in direct danger from him, why didn't they fall back to access the problem instead of firing a barriage of bullets? More than likely, the police were looking for a confrontation and got what they wanted, even if it wasn't actually the dangerous situation they were looking for. They made it a dangerous situation by their actions, as they probably do on alot of occasions.

Then I read about this. What could be going on in this guys head? There are some twisted people in this world. What is wrong with these people who do this to babies?

Then I watch Bill O'Reilly and I hear this. I actually agree with some of what was said but everything is so "Black and White" with him. Everything with him is either all GOOD or all BAD. And only his way is right, no exceptions. He has a way of twisting things, spinning them to favor his view. He want's religion in every part of life but only his religion. If it's somebody else's religion that he doesn't like, then it's bad. Same old song and dance. Typical media whore preaching to the converted.

Finally this little tid bit. It isn't earth shattering but it matters to me. This is the university that I want to attend. I would never expect something like this to happen at Ole Miss. Can anybody say, "Coach Ed, Your Fired"!

This is just a small sample of the crazy stuff this last week, most of it in the last couple of days. The world is going crazy stupid!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sadly. What It Looks Like, Is What It Is.

I found this article in The Memphis Commercial Appeal. It shows just who is being represented by the officials of the Great State of Mississippi. It's too bad about the timing of this article, it's a couple of weeks too late. Gov. Haley Barbour has already been re-elected to another term. The "Country Club Set" should be real pleased and the insurance industry is in great shape for another 4 years. They have their "Champion" administering the billions of dollars given to the state for recovery after Katrina.